This past year I learned quite a bit about printing. It started when I took some png files into our local print shop and was quite surprised that they wouldn't print them because they said the text would be pixalated.
Now, granted, I did not have any experience with printing but I did know that most of the print-on demand websites that I work with use png or jpg files.
I asked a few questions and then I did a lot of research on the Internet. After some experimenting, I came up with a system to make sure my (image and text) files are in the right format before I take them to a printer.
1. First I create a new file in Gimp. (This step is eliminated if I'm just working with text). I make sure the dpi is set at 300 (from menu > image> print size). I also make sure the size is correct (I don't want it to be too small for the finished project.)
I then go ahead and create my artwork in Gimp. When I'm done, I export it as a tiff, png or jpg file.
2. I open up Scribus and create a file in the size I want my finished project to be. Next, I import the image I created in Gimp. Then I add my text. When I'm happy with the way it looks, I export it as a PDF file. I embed the fonts and choose color output intended for printer and my file is good to go.
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