Monday, May 6, 2013

Scripture Art: My First Scripture Art Designs

What do you get when you combine a love for creating graphic art with a love for the Word of God? Scripture art!

Joshua 1:8, one of my favorite Bible verses, talks about the benefits of meditating on God's Word. To me, this scripture is the perfect success formula.  After thinking about it and researching the meaning of some of the words, (in order to clarify it for myself), I wrote it like this:

Keep speaking the Word of God out of your mouth. Meditate on it (study it, imagine it coming to pass in your life and talk about it all the time). Then you will do everything that you meditate on and you will make your way of life (your conversations, your habits, and your manners) to be good and profitable. Then you will have good success.

I liked it so well, I wanted to be able to hang it on my bedroom wall. I had the thought that if I liked it, maybe others would like it as well.  So I spent some time at the drawing board (aka the Gimp) and came up with these two designs.  

Joshua 1:8 Scripture on Navy and Lavender Design by Lorene Troyer
Joshua 1:8 Scripture on Navy and Lavender Design by Lorene Troyer

I put them for sale at Imagekind to see what kind of response I'd get.