About Lorene

I am a wife (married for 23 years), and a homeschooling mother of 2 children. I've always loved to create things  and got involved in scrapbooking and other crafts many years ago.  

I got started in graphic design about 3 years ago when I was hired by my church. Some of the things my job involved was creating and printing out the monthly bulletin and making slides and banners for the website.

I was a total novice, but I noticed that when I created slides in Paint, my text was jagged- (a look I really did not care for).  Since I was working on a Mac at the time, I bought Pixelmator- this program worked well and I enjoyed it very much- I was hooked. I've been creating digital art and graphic design in the form of web banners, greeting cards, wall art, PowerPoint slides etc. ever since.   

Contact me at: Lorene (AT) LoreneTroyer (DOT) com       

Hopefully you will understand my coded e-mail and the spam bots won't. 

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