Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Scripture For Artists and Designers

This morning during my daily Bible reading,  I read this passage in Exodus 35 (NIV version)

 30 ...“See, the Lord has chosen Bezalel... 31 and he (God) has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills— 32 to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, 33 to cut and set stones, to work in wood and to engage in all kinds of artistic crafts... 35 He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as engravers, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and weavers—all of them skilled workers and designer.

Scriptures like this get me excited when I realize afresh how much God wants us to be successful in the things He's called us to do. If your calling in life is to be an artist, designer, photographer etc, be assured that God has equipped and anointed you to excel in your field.

Here is a way I made this passage more personal to me:

The Lord has chosen me and has filled me with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills— to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze (or Photoshop, Gimp, photography etc.) to cut and set stones, to work in wood and to engage in all kinds of artistic crafts. He has filled me with skill to do all kinds of work as an engraver, designer, embroiderer, (photographer, graphic designer etc.) in blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and weavers—as a skilled worker and designer.

Or more simply:

The Lord has chosen me and has filled me with His Spirit. He has given me wisdom, understanding, knowledge and the skills to make artistic designs for work in (Photoshop, Gimp, photography etc.)   He has filled me with skill to become an outstanding designer (artist, photographer etc.)

Happy creating!

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