Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Non-Designer's Design Book Review

I just finished reading The Non-Designer's Design Book by Robin Williams.  I found it to be very simple and easy to understand. It gives specific things you can do to make a design look professional- how to use and combine typefaces, how to use contrast and colors effectively.  (All this info that would have been very helpful when I was designing and printing the bulletins for our church.)

Robin explains some of the differences in typefaces. She breaks them into 6 basic groups and discusses why or why not they can be together on the same page, how to grab the attention of the reader and how to make everything work together.

I think buying this book would be a very good investment for churches or small businesses. It could be given to people who design the church bulletins, flyers, brochures or business cards. Really, it's for anyone who wants to avoid making amateur mistakes in design projects.

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