Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Don't Throw Away Your Dreams

By Lorene Troyer

I was at a convention this past summer and one of the speakers asked the question, "How do you know a dream is from God?"

He stated that the way you know- is that the dream excites you. When it is first dropped in your heart, it makes you smile and feel inspired.

The trouble comes in when you try to figure out how it will happen. You talk yourself right out of that dream- "That can never happen," or  "I will never have enough money to do that," or "I am not qualified."   

One of my mentors made the statement, "God has never asked me to do anything that was possible."

When it looks impossible from the natural standpoint- that's where faith comes in. If you can do it by yourself, it doesn't require faith.

According to Isaiah 55: 8, God's thoughts are not our thoughts- they are way higher.  In order for you not to reject the thoughts He gives you,  you need to get your mind renewed with the word of God.

If you have a dream inside of you that you can't shake, but it seems totally impossible to accomplish, don't throw it away.  It may be a dream from your Heavenly Father. He wants you to trust Him to show you how to make it happen.

Would you like to create award winning book covers or become a graphic designer for a major magazine company or create enough passive income from your art so you don't need an outside job?  Whatever your dream, don't write it it off just yet. Instead, write it in your journal.  Don't try to figure out how to do it- just be open to it for now. Let God know you are willing and trust Him to show you what to do.  


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